As long as the humans exist they feel the natural preference to gather, socialize and consequently, join many different communities with various interfaces and requirements. Although the majority of us conceives the forthcoming age as a period in history of man when the technology and machines will lead the world and prevail pure human feelings expressed personally, the mentioned inclination to meet the others will definitely not vanish as easily as most of us claim. On contrary, the newest technologies, inventions and devices just indicate the trend that is still present & socializing. On-line social networks, internet communities and other different global gathering and acquiring of people symbolize the gradual evolution of those trends. As assumed, by 2015, 5 billion people will be connected across the globe and it means 70% of the world's entire population will have the opportunity to meet on-line. One of the options how to keep abreast with it is to join the network of SigEx Telecom. You can look in the territory of any community you would like to acquaint. If you start to enjoy it, you can stay and chat, share, meet or you can just leave if you aren't interested anymore. "Meet or delete" strategy of SigEx works namely on the basis of regular meeting and chatting of people & you want, you stay and meet, or you don't want, you move on. And the meeting isn't connected only with your computer at home on the table. The opportunity to entertain and interact emerges in your cell phone, digital camera as well as camcorder. Being alone on the bus while traveling isn't so sad anymore, because videos, pictures, blogs or other documents allow you to be part of a community no matter what time or place. Furthermore, if you lack some more "quality" information, you might feel like getting NetFront Browser. The latest release by Japan's company Access, a browser that delivers you the news, headlines or other favorite content from various web sites and updates all the information, will soon be able to enrich also your cell phone with the mentioned data. Google Maps or Wikipedia knowledges can improve your connection to the rest of the world just in a few seconds. Whether you like to meet or join people, or it sounds more useful to you to receive the latest news, you can't miss the train with the name "world in your cell phone". Whether your favorite will be SigEx Telecom or NetFront Browser, the choice will be worth it.
Edited by: Maria Vidlickova
These news are brought to you by CantellTV, it's technology partner SigEx Telecom and it’s founder Christopher M. Cantell. CantellTV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with enhanced communications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface. CantellTV has relationships with a growing network of international clients delivering millions of videos per day with more than 50,000 new videos uploaded and 200 hours of new TV shows broadcasted daily to a wide range of viewers, from 5 to 7 year olds of LiveCartoons; to 16 to 24 year old active social users of MyJumps; to fortune 50 corporate clients utilizing enhanced broadcasting services. CantellTV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.